PNLIT is registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1882
Registration No. BNG(U)-JPN-129-2010-11
Tax Information
Registration with Ministry of Corporate Affairs, April 2021
CSR00002474 dated 16/04/2021
Registered u/s 12A valid till AY 2026-2027
Download Form 10AC granting charitable status approval here
Download Form 10AD for 80G exemption to donors approval here
Donations are eligible, u/s 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act, for 50% deduction from Taxable income from AY2012-13 (financial year 2011-12) onwards, till AY2026-27
PNLIT received FCRA registration in June 2015, so we have been accepting donations from both Indian and Non-Indian Citizens/Passport Holders.
FCRA renewal approval dated 21-Feb-2023 may be seen here
PNLIT has been vetted and approved to receive grants from CAF America; if you are a US donor wishing to make a 100% tax-deductible contribution to support us, you may give to CAF America and recommend that the grant be made to PNLIT
To donate directly to PNLIT and save payment gateway charges, please see the direct payment options below.
in favour of Puttenahalli Neighbourhood Lake Improvement Trust OR PNLIT can be sent to our registered office:
(Attn: Usha Rajagopalan)
B3, 502, South City, Arekere Mico Layout,
Off Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore 560 076
(Cell no. + 91 7259722996)
Direct Remittance :
Depends upon the Citizenship
Please read the Options below:
Direct remittance ( Internet banking) for Indian Citizens (does not include OCI)
Option 1: Branch name - State Bank of India, RBI Layout, Bangalore 560078
Savings Bank Account no 31209228099 in the name of Puttenahalli Neighbourhood Lake Improvement Trust or PNLIT
MICR Code: 560002090
IFSC Code: SBIN0004408 - for transfer from accounts within India
Swift Code: SBININBB423 - for transfer from accounts abroad (Please note that the bank charges Rs 500+other fees for Forex transfer)
Option 2: Branch name - ICICI Bank, Kothanur Branch (Address: #89, formed by the Wilson Garden House, Kothanur Village, Uttarahalli Hobli, Bangalore 560078)
Savings Bank Account no 185001000156 in the name of Puttenahalli Neighbourhood Lake Improvement Trust
IFSC Code: ICIC0001850 - for transfer from accounts within India
Donations can quickly be made through UPI, by entering the UPI ID 7259722996@SBI or scanning the QR code below
Donate through Razorpay payment gateway (for Indian Citizens only)
Your donations (50%) are exempt from tax, u/s 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act
Please click the Donate now link to get redirected to the Razorpay payment gateway.
Donate through Instamojo payment gateway (for Indian Citizens only)
Your donations (50%) are exempt from tax, u/s 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act
A nominal convenience fee of 3% + Rs 3 for each payment (plus GST) will be added to your final payment amount after you have selected the payment method (excluding for NEFT/Bank transfer)
Please click the Donate now button to get redirected to the Instamojo payment gateway.

Direct remittance for Non-Indian Citizens (includes OCI)
Branch name - State Bank of India, 11Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110 001
FCRA Savings Bank Account no 00000039858328073, in the name of Puttenahalli Neighbourhood Lake Improvement Trust
MICR Code: 110002087
IFSC Code: SBIN0000691
To know more about how to transfer to India see here
Donate through CAF America (for USA citizens only)
PNLIT is able to accept 100% tax-deductible donations from US donors in partnership with CAF America. *Please note that CAF America requires a minimum $500 donation on Single Donor Advised Gifts (i.e. when you are not donating to an established Fund). The donor Gift Form can be downloaded here. Donations through CAF America can be done in several ways.
By check
Write a check payable to CAF America
The donor Gift Form is required for any gifts not made through the CAF America online donation form
Mail the check and Gift Form to:
CAF America
1800 Diagonal Road, Suite 150
Alexandria, VA 22314
Through the CAF America website
Visit the PNLIT page on the CAF America website here
Click “Donate Now”
Fill out the form accordingly and click Submit
Enter credit card information and click Submit
Wait for the confirmation page – do not re-click submit or refresh the page as you may be additionally charged.
An e-mail confirmation will be sent to you for tax deduction purposes.
By wire transfer
CAF America requires that all wire transfer donations be accompanied by a Gift Form that may be e-mailed or sent by post.
Use the banking information below. Please note that the grant suggestion will not be processed until the signed gift form is received.
a) Wire Transfer
CAF America
Account #: 001923459009
ABA Routing #: 026009593
b) ACH Transfer
CAF America
Account #: 001923459009
ACH Routing #: 054001204
c) Bank Address
Bank of America
730 15th Street NW 1st Floor
DC1-70-01-08, Washington, D.C. 20005, USA
Note to direct remittance/online donors
To help us track donations and issue receipts, after online transfers, please drop a mail to puttenahalli.lake@gmail.com with the following information:
Name, Postal Address, Contact No., email address, PAN No. (if available, for donations of Rs 10,000 and above), Citizenship (Indian or Non-Indian), Donation transfer details.