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Since the time we started our work on the lake we have been consulting experts, birders, environmentalists, conservationists to determine the appropriate tree and plant species for plantation. From fruit trees to indigenous native trees, shrubs to climbers, creepers and medicinal plants, we have a diverse range of species and colours planted at the lake. Most of the species were planted keeping the biodiversity in mind and the fauna it would attract that would help build a rich ecosystem.


For details about the Flowering Trees of Bangalore you can check the following websites by Karthik:


For listing of flora and fauna (in progress) @ Puttenahalli Lake



TREES PLANTED ( 2010 - 2023)


  1. Acalypha

  2. Allamanda yellow

  3. Allamanda pink

  4. Anthurium

  5. Cape honeysuckle

  6. Crown of thorns

  7. Cup Saucer Plant (red)

  8. Dragon tree

  9. Duranta

  10. Firebush

  11. Hibiscus

  12. Hydrangea

  13. Ixora, dwarf

  14. Ixora, regular

  15. Karonda - Carissa carandas

  16. Kesavardhini - Centratherum punctatum

  17. Malpighia

  18. Mickey mouse plant - Ochna serrulata

  19. Money plant

  20. Oleander

  21. Orange jasmine

  22. Pandanus (Variegated dwarf)

  23. Pandanus (screw pine)

  24. Peregrina (Jatropha)

  25. Periwinkle

  26. Pinwheel Flower Plant

  27. Plumbago

  28. Red Powder Puff

  29. Sleeping Hibiscus

  30. Surinam Cherry (Eugenia uniflora)

  31. Syngonuim

  32. Schefflera variegated

  33. Ribbon plant/spider plant

  34. Table Palm

  35. Vishamadari (Clerodendrum)



  1. Carex grass

  2. Lemon grass

  3. Vetiver



  1. Alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides)

  2. Aloe vera

  3. Bulrush

  4. Banana

  5. Common marsh buckwheat

  6. Coleus

  7. Colocasia

  8. Crotons

  9. Curry leaf

  10. Ferns

  11. Insulin plant

  12. Indian pennywort

  13. Palms

  14. Rhoeo (Boat lily)

  15. Sessile Joyweed (Alternanthera sessilis)

  16. Umbrella grass (Cyperus alternifolius)

  17. Water cabbage

  18. Wild basil

  19. Water Lily



  1. Allamanda yellow

  2. Amphylophllum

  3. Amruthaballi (Tinospora cordifolia)

  4. Bengal Clock Vine

  5. Bleeding heart vine

  6. Bougainvillea

  7. Brazilian nightshade

  8. Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea)

  9. Coral honeysuckle

  10. Cypress Vine

  11. Ficus pumila

  12. Garlic vine

  13. Galphimia vine

  14. Glow Vine (Bignonia magnifica)

  15. Hawaiian sunset vine (candy king)

  16. Indian Clock Vine

  17. Jacquemontia

  18. Jasmine (Jaji malige)

  19. Jasmine (Dundu malige)

  20. Mexican flame vine

  21. Moonflower

  22. Morning glory

  23. Orange trumpet

  24. Passion flower, purple (Passiflora incarnate)

  25. Passion flower, red (Passiflora coccinea)

  26. Passion fruit

  27. Purple Wreath

  28. Rangoon creeper

  29. Scarlet Clock Vine

  30. Sweet autumn clematis

  31. Tecoma pink



  1. Abutilon

  2. Baby sun rose-Aptenia cordifolia

  3. Barleria

  4. Begonia fenicis

  5. Canna

  6. Clerodendrum peniculatum

  7. Clerodendrum wallichi

  8. Crepe myrtle

  9. Crotalaria

  10. Cosmos (orange)

  11. Cotton rose- Hibiscus mutabilis

  12. Cuphea- white,pink,purple

  13. Curtain creeper- Vernonia

  14. Fireball lily

  15. Firecracker

  16. Firespikes, Cardinal guard

  17. Giant crinum lily

  18. Galphimia

  19. Gazenia

  20. Geranium

  21. Heliotropium indicum

  22. Heterotis rotundifolia – Spanish shawl

  23. Impatiens

  24. Ipomea pes-caprae, bayhops

  25. Lantana

  26. Marigold

  27. Matchstick plant

  28. Mexican Heather

  29. Mexican butterfly weed

  30. Mussaenda

  31. Panama rose

  32. Pentas

  33. Portulaca

  34. Plumeria pudica-Wild Plumeria

  35. Rain lily

  36. Red ginger

  37. Spider lily

  38. Tincture plant

  39. Torenia

  40. Verbena (Vervain)

  41. Yellow daisy

  42. Brunfelsia pauciflora

  43. Wedelia​

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